for NumCosmo 0.21.2. The latest version of this documentation can be found on-line at, NumCosmo website.

NumCosmo Overview
Introduction — A general description of the library functionality
Bibliography — The set of books and papers used in the library
NumCosmo building configuration — Macros describing the current building configuration
Numcosmo Math
Miscellaneous Objects
NcmC — Numerical and physical constants.
NcmCfg — Library configuration and helper functions.
NcmUtil — Miscellaneous utilities.
NcmISet — Index set object
NcmDiff — Numerical differentiation object
NcmDTuple — Fixed sized array of double values.
NcmVector — Vector object representing arrays of doubles.
NcmMatrix — Matrix object representing an array of doubles.
NcmNNLS — Non-negative linear least-squares
NcmSerialize — Serialization, deserialization and duplication object.
NcmObjArray — GObjects array with serialization support.
NcmIntegral1d — One dimensional integration object.
NcmIntegral1dPtr — Function pointer one dimensional integration object.
NcmIntegralND — N-dimensional integration object.
NcmLapack — Encapsulated LAPACK functions.
NcmFuncEval — A general purpose multi-threaded function evaluator.
NcmTimer — A timer with ETA support.
NcmRNG — Encapsulated GNU Scientific Library (GSL) random number generator with support for multhreading.
NcmQuaternion — Quaternions algebra, three-vectors and mapping to matrix.
MPI Objects
NcmMPIJob — Abstract class to implement MPI jobs
NcmMPIJobTest — Test implementation of MPI job class
NcmMPIJobFit — MPI job object for running NcmFit
NcmMPIJobMCMC — MPI job object for running MCMC steps
NcmMPIJobFEval — MPI job object for evaluating fit steps
NcmFftlog — Abstract class for implementing logarithm fast fourier transform.
NcmFftlogSBesselJ — Logarithm fast fourier transform for a kernel given by the spatial correlation function multipoles.
NcmFftlogSBesselJLJM — Logarithm fast fourier transform for the base kernel for angular projections.
NcmFftlogTophatwin2 — Logarithm fast fourier transform for a kernel given by the square of the spherical Bessel function of order one.
NcmFftlogGausswin2 — Logarithm fast fourier transform for a kernel given by the square of a Gaussian window function.
Splines 1D
NcmSpline — Abstract class for implementing splines.
NcmSplineGsl — GSL spline object wrapper.
NcmSplineCubic — Abstract class for implementing cubic splines.
NcmSplineCubicNotaknot — Cubic spline implementation with 'not a knot' boundary conditions.
NcmSplineCubicD2 — Cubic spline implementation given second derivatives.
NcmSplineRBF — Radial Basis Function implementation of spline class.
NcmSplineFunc — Automatic generation of the knots for a spline.
NcmSplineFuncTest — test suite to analyze the NcmSplineFunc's knots distribution.
NcmOdeSpline — Automatic generation of splines from ODE solvers.
Splines 2D
NcmSpline2d — Abstract class for implementing bidimensional splines.
NcmSpline2dSpline — Implements bidimensional splines from splines method.
NcmSpline2dBicubic — Bidimensional bicubic spline
NcmSpline2dGsl — Implements spline from spline method using The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) as base splines.
Power spectrum functions
NcmPowspec — Abstrac class for power spectrum implementation.
NcmPowspecFilter — Class to compute filtered power spectrum
NcmPowspecSphereProj — Class to compute spherical projection of power spectra
NcmPowspecCorr3d — Class to compute filtered power spectrum
Harmonic Oscillator
NcmHOAA — Abstract class for Harmonic Oscillator calculation through AA variables.
NcmCSQ1D — Abstract class for Harmonic Oscillator calculation through complex structure quantization.
Special Functions
NcmMpsfTrigInt — Multiple precision sin integral implementation.
NcmMpsf0F1 — Multiple precision implementation of the hypergeometric 0F1.
NcmMpsfSBessel — Multiple precision spherical bessel implementation.
NcmSFSBessel — Double precision spherical bessel implementation.
NcmSFSphericalHarmonics — Spherical Harmonics object
Models and Parameters
NcmModel — Abstract class for implementing models.
NcmSParam — Properties of a scalar parameter.
NcmVParam — Properties of a vector-like parameter.
NcmModelCtrl — Control object for testing updates on model status.
NcmModelBuilder — A NcmModel builder
NcmMSet — A set of different NcmModel objects.
NcmMSetFunc — Abstract class for arbitrary MSet functions.
NcmMSetFunc — Abstract class for arbitrary MSet functions - bindable version
NcmMSetFuncList — NcmMSet Functions list.
NcmReparam — Abstract class for model reparametrization.
NcmReparamLinear — Linear reparametrization object.
Data Objects
NcmData — Abstract class for implementing data objects.
NcmDataset — A set of NcmData objects
NcmDataGauss — Gaussian data -- inverse covariance provided.
NcmDataGaussDiag — Gaussian data -- diagonal covariance provided.
NcmDataGaussCov — Gaussian data -- covariance provided.
NcmDataPoisson — Abstract class for implementing poisson distributed data.
NcmDataDist1d — Abstract class for one variable distribution data.
NcmDataDist2d — Abstract class for two-variables distribution data.
Statistical Analysis
NcmStatsVec — An online statistics vector.
NcmStatsDist1d — Abstract class for implementing one dimensional probability distributions
NcmStatsDist1dSpline — One dimensional probability distribution based on a spline
NcmStatsDist1dEPDF — One dimensional probability distribution based on an EPDF
NcmStatsDist2d — Abstract class for implementing two-dimensional probability distributions
NcmStatsDist2dSpline — Two-dimensional probability distribution based on a spline
NcmBootstrap — Generic index bootstrap.
NcmLikelihood — Likelihood combining a NcmDataset and priors.
NcmPrior — Base class for prior distributions.
NcmPriorGauss — A gaussian prior for NcmLikelihood
NcmPriorGaussParam — a gaussian prior on a parameter
NcmPriorGaussFunc — a gaussian prior on a parameter.
NcmPriorFlat — Base class for flat prior distributions.
NcmPriorFlatParam — a flat prior on a sampling parameter.
NcmPriorFlatFunc — flat prior on a derived quantity.
NcmMSetCatalog — Ordered catalog of different NcmMSet parameter values.
NcmMSetTransKern — Abstract Class for a transition kernel and prior.
NcmMSetTransKernFlat — Multivariate flat sampler
NcmMSetTransKernGauss — A multivariate gaussian sampler.
NcmMSetTransKernCat — Catalog sampler
NcmFitState — State of a NcmFit object.
NcmFit — Abstract class for implementing fitting methods.
NLopt Interface Object — Interface for NLopt optmization library
NcmFitNLOptEnum — Automaticaly imported enum from NLOpt library.
NcmFitGSLLS — Best-fit finder -- GSL least squares algorithms.
NcmFitGSLMM — Best-fit finder -- GSL non-linear minimization algorithms.
NcmFitGSLMMS — Best-fit finder -- GSL non-linear minimization (simplex) algorithms.
NcmFitLevmar — Best-fit finder -- Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares algorithm library.
NcmFitMC — Monte Carlo analysis.
NcmFitMCBS — Monte Carlo and bootstrap analysis.
NcmLHRatio1d — Likelihood ratio for one dimensional parameter analysis.
NcmLHRatio2d — Likelihood ratio object for bidimensional parameter analysis.
NcmABC — Abstract class for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC).
Multivariate density estimation
NcmStatsDist — Abstract class for implementing N-dimensional probability distributions.
NcmStatsDistKDE — Abstract class for implementing N-dimensional probability distributions with a fixed density estimator kernel.
NcmStatsDistVKDE — Abstract class for implementing N-dimensional probability distributions with a variable density estimator kernel.
NcmStatsDistKernel — An N-dimensional kernel used to compute the kernel density estimation function (KDE) in the NcmStatsDist class.
NcmStatsDistKernelGauss — An N-dimensional Gaussian kernel used to compute the kernel density estimation function (KDE) in the NcmStatsDist class. An N-dimensional Gaussian kernel used to compute the kernel density estimation function (KDE) in the NcmStatsDist class.
NcmStatsDistKernelST — An N-dimensional Student's t kernel used to compute the kernel density estimation function (KDE) in the NcmStatsDist class.
NcmFitMCMC — Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis.
NcmFitESMCMC — Ensemble sampler Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis.
NcmFitESMCMCWalker — Ensemble sampler Markov Chain Monte Carlo walker class.
NcmFitESMCMCWalkerStretch — Ensemble sampler Markov Chain Monte Carlo walker - stretch move.
NcmFitESMCMCWalkerWalk — Ensemble sampler Markov Chain Monte Carlo walker - walk move.
NcmFitESMCMCWalkerAPES — Ensemble sampler Markov Chain Monte Carlo walker - apes move.
MCMC Testing
NcmModelMVND — Multivariate Normal Distribution mean model.
NcmDataGaussCovMVND — Multivariate Normal Distribution -- covariance provided.
NcmModelRosenbrock — Multivariate Normal Distribution mean model.
NcmDataRosenbrock — Rosenbrock distribution.
NcmDataGaussMix2D — Gaussian Mixture 2d distribution.
NcmModelFunnel — Multivariate Normal Distribution mean model.
NcmDataFunnel — Funnel distribution.
Spherical maps and Healpix
NcmSphereMap — An re-implementation of Healpix.
GObject introspection compatibility
Gir Scanning Compatibility — Gir scanning types stubs.
Cosmological Models
NcHICosmo — Abstract class for implementing homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models
NcHICosmoPrior — Collection of priors for NcHICosmo models
NcHICosmoLCDM — $\Lambda$CDM model
NcHICosmoGCG — Generalized Chaplygin Gas
NcHICosmoIDEM2 — Interacting Dark Energy Model
NcDECont — Dark energy contraction perturbations model
NcHICosmoDE — Abstract class for implementing dark energy models
NcHICosmoDEReparamOk — Dark Energy -- reparametrization $\Omega_{x0} \to \Omega_{k0}$
NcHICosmoDEReparamCMB — Dark Energy -- CMB reparametrization
NcHICosmoDEXcdm — Dark Energy -- constant equation of state
NcHICosmoDEWSpline — Dark Energy -- spline equation of state
NcHICosmoDECpl — Dark Energy -- Chevallier–Polarski–Linder equation of state
NcHICosmoDEJbp — Dark Energy -- Jassal-Bagla-Padmanabhan equation of state
Quantum Gravity Bounce
NcHICosmoQGRW — Radiation plus $w$-fluid model with a quantum generated bounce phase model.
NcHICosmoVexp — Single scalar field with an exponential potential
Kinematic Models
NcHICosmoQConst — Kinetic model -- Constant deceleration function
NcHICosmoQLinear — Kinetic model -- Linear deceleration function
NcHICosmoQSpline — Kinetic model -- Spline deceleration function
NcHICosmoQRBF — Kinetic model -- Spline deceleration function
Primordial Cosmology Models
NcHIPrim — Abstract class for implementing homogeneous and isotropic primordial cosmological models.
NcHIPrimPowerLaw — Power law implementation for primordial spectra.
NcHIPrimAtan — Arctangent modification of the power law primordial spectrum
NcHIPrimExpc — Exponential cutoff modification of the power law primordial spectrum
NcHIPrimBPL — Broken power law modification of the power law primordial spectrum
NcHIPrimSBPL — Smooth Broken power law modification of the power law primordial spectrum
Observational Cosmology Models
Planck Foreground and Instrument Models
NcPlanckFI — Abstract class for Planck Foreground and Instrument models.
NcPlanckFICorTT — Planck Foreground and Instrument model for TT correlation maps
NcPlanckFICorTTTEEE — Planck Foreground and Instrument model for TT correlation maps
Supernova Covariance Models
NcSNIADistCov — Supernovae distance covariance between distance estimates.
Cosmological Calculators
NcDistance — Cosmological distance and time related quantities.
NcScalefactor — Scale factor as a function of the conformal time.
NcRecomb — Abstract class for cosmic recombination.
NcRecombSeager — Cosmic recombination implementing Seager (1999).
NcRecombCBE — Cosmic recombination by Class.
NcHIReion — Abstract class for implementing homogeneous and isotropic reionization models.
NcHIReionCamb — CAMB-like reionization object.
NcHIReionCambReparamTau — CAMB reionization reparametrization $z_\mathrm{reion} \to \tau_\mathrm{reion}$.
NcHIQG1D — Minisuperspace 1D quantum gravity models
NcHIPert — Abstract class for perturbation in homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies.
NcHIPertComp — Perturbation background variables transport object
NcHIPertWKB — WKB perturbation object.
NcHIPertAdiab — Perturbation object for adiabatic mode only.
NcHIPertGW — Perturbation object for gwatic mode only.
NcHIPertTwoFluids — Perturbation object for a two fluids system.
NcHIPertBoltzmann — Abstract class for perturbative Boltzmann hierarchy.
NcHIPertBoltzmannStd — Perturbations object for standard Boltzmann hierarchy model.
NcHIPertFirstOrder — Base object for implementing first order perturbation in a Friedmann background.
Gravitational theories
NcHIPertGrav — Abstract class describing a general first order gravitation theory.
NcHIPertGravEinstein — First order Einstein equations on a Friedmann background.
Perturbation components
NcHIPertComp — Abstract class describing a general perturbation component.
NcHIPertCompPB — Photon-Baryon plasma compoment
CLASS Backend
NcCBEPrecision — CLASS (Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System) backend for perturbations
NcCBE — CLASS (Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System) backend
NcHIPertBoltzmannCBE — CLASS (Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System) backend for perturbations
Perturbation Interfaces
NcHIPertITwoFluids — Perturbation interface for two fluids system.
Large Scale Structure
Window Function
NcWindow — Abstract class for window functions.
NcWindowTophat — A top-hat window function.
NcWindowGaussian — A gaussian window function.
Transfer Function
NcTransferFunc — Abstrac class for perturbation transfer function.
NcTransferFuncBBKS — Bardeen, Bond, Kaiser and Szalay (BBKS) transfer function.
NcTransferFuncEH — Eisenstein-Hu fitting function for the transfer function.
NcTransferFuncCAMB — Transfer function using CAMB as backend.
NcGrowthFunc — Growth function of linear perturbations.
Matter Power Spectrum
NcPowspecML — Abstract class for linear matter power spectrum implementation.
NcPowspecMLFixSpline — Class for linear matter power spectrum from a fixed spline.
NcPowspecMLTransfer — Class for linear matter power spectrum from a transfer function.
NcPowspecMLCBE — linear matter power spectrum from CLASS backend.
NcPowspecMNL — Abstrac class for non-linear matter power spectrum implementation.
NcPowspecMNLHaloFit — nonlinear matter power spectrum from Halofit model.
Density Profile
NcHaloDensityProfile — Abstract class for density profile functions.
NcHaloDensityProfileNFW — Density profile of Navarro-Frenk-White type.
NcHaloDensityProfileEinasto — Density profile of Einasto type.
NcHaloDensityProfileDK14 — Density profile of Diemer \& Kravtsov type.
NcHaloDensityProfileHernquist — Density profile of Hernquist type.
Multiplicity Function
NcMultiplicityFunc — Dark matter halo multiplicity function.
NcMultiplicityFuncPS — Dark matter halo -- Press-Schechter multiplicity function.
NcMultiplicityFuncST — Dark matter halo -- Sheth-Tormen multiplicity function.
NcMultiplicityFuncJenkins — Dark matter halo -- Jenkins multiplicity function.
NcMultiplicityFuncWarren — Dark matter halo -- Warren multiplicity function.
NcMultiplicityFuncTinker — Dark matter halo -- Tinker multiplicity function.
NcMultiplicityFuncTinkerMeanNormalized — Dark matter halo -- Tinker normalized multiplicity function mean matter density.
NcMultiplicityFuncCrocce — Dark matter halo -- Crocce multiplicity function.
NcMultiplicityFuncBocquet — Dark matter halo -- Bocquet multiplicity function.
NcMultiplicityFuncWatson — Dark matter halo -- Watson multiplicity function.
NcHaloMassFunction — Clusters mass function.
Halo Bias Function Type
NcHaloBias — Abstract class for halo bias function type.
NcHaloBiasPS — Press-Schechter halo bias function type.
NcHaloBiasSTSpher — Sheth-Tormen spherical halo bias function type.
NcHaloBiasSTEllip — Sheth-Tormen elliptical halo bias function type.
NcHaloBiasTinker — Tinker halo bias function type.
NcGalaxyAcf — Galaxy angular correlation function.
Cluster Redshift
NcClusterRedshift — Abstract class for cluster redshift distributions.
NcClusterRedshiftNodist — Cluster abundance redshift real redshift distribution.
NcClusterPhotozGauss — Individual gaussian photometric distribution for clusters.
NcClusterPhotozGaussGlobal — Global gaussian photometric distribution for clusters.
Cluster Mass
NcClusterMass — Abstract class for cluster mass distributions.
NcClusterMassNodist — Cluster mass real mass distribution.
NcClusterMassLnnormal — Cluster mass ln-normal distribution.
NcClusterMassVanderlinde — Sunyaev-Zel'dovich cluster mass distribution.
NcClusterMassBenson — Sunyaev-Zel'dovich cluster mass distribution.
NcClusterMassBensonXRay — Sunyaev-Zel'dovich and x-ray cluster abundance mass distribution.
NcClusterMassPlCL — Planck-CLASH Cluster Mass Distribution
NcClusterMassAscaso — FIXME
Cross-correlations — Angular auto- and cross-spectra.
NcXcorAB — Cross-correlations data storage object.
NcXcorLimberKernel — Abstract object for the kernels of projected observables used in cross-correlations.
NcXcorLimberKernelGal — implementation of NcXcorLimberKernel for galaxy density
NcXcorLimberKernelCMBLensing — implementation of NcXcorLimberKernel for CMB lensing
NcXcorLimberKernelWeakLensing — implementation of NcXcorLimberKernel for galaxy weak lensing
NcClusterAbundance — Cluster abundance distribution
NcClusterPseudoCounts — FIXME
NcCorClusterCmbLensLimber — Cluster and CMB lensing correlation using halo model and Limber approximation.
Galaxy Redshift
NcGalaxyRedshift — Abstract class describing galaxy redshifts.
NcGalaxyRedshiftSpec — Class describing spectroscopic galaxy redshifts.
NcGalaxyRedshiftSpline — Class describing spectroscopic galaxy redshifts.
NcGalaxyRedshiftGauss — Class describing Gaussian photometric galaxy redshifts.
Weak Lensing
NcWLSurfaceMassDensity — Weak lensing surface mass density
NcReducedShearClusterMass — FIXME cluster mass estimation via reduced shear
NcReducedShearCalib — Reduced Shear Calibration
NcReducedShearCalibWtg — Reduced Shear Calibration
NcGalaxyWL — Class describing galaxy weak lensing distributions.
NcGalaxyWLDist — Abstract class describing galaxy wl_dists.
NcGalaxyWLEllipticityGauss — Abstract class describing galaxy weak lensing ellipticity Gaussian distribution
NcGalaxyWLEllipticityKDE — Class describing galaxy weak lensing ellipticity with Kernel Density Estimation
NcGalaxyWLEllipticityBinned — Class describing galaxy weak lensing ellipticity with binning
NcGalaxyWLProj — Abstract class describing galaxy weak lensing reduced shear Gaussian distribution
Galaxy ACF
NcGalaxySelfunc — Galaxy phenomelogical selection function.
Cosmological Data
NcDataCMB — Helper function for instantiating CMB data
NcDataCMBShiftParam — Cosmic microwave background data -- shift parameter.
NcDataCMBDistPriors — Cosmic microwave background data -- distance priors.
NcDataHubble — Hubble function data.
NcDataHubbleBao — Hubble function data from BAO.
NcDataBao — Helper functions for instantiating BAO data
NcDataBaoA — Baryon oscillation data -- acoustic scale $A$.
NcDataBaoDV — Baryon oscillation data -- volume mean $D_V$.
NcDataBaoRDV — Baryon Oscillation Data -- $r_s / D_V$ ratio.
NcDataBaoDVDV — Baryon oscillation data -- $D_V / D_V$ ratio.
NcDataBaoEmpiricalFit — Baryon oscillation data -- $D_V / r_s$ empirical likelihood.
NcDataBaoEmpiricalFit2d — Baryon oscillation data -- $D_H / r_d$ and $D_t / r_d$ empirical likelihood.
NcDataBaoDHrDAr — Baryon Oscillation Data -- $(D_H/r,\; D_A/r)$ data.
NcDataBaoDtrDHr — Baryon Oscillation Data -- $(D_H/r,\; D_t/r)$ data.
NcDataBaoDMrHr — Baryon Oscillation Data -- $(D_M/r,\; H/r)$ data.
NcDataSNIAId — Helper function for instantiating type Ia supernova data
NcDataDistMu — Distance modulus data.
NcDataSNIACov — Type Ia supernovae data with covariance error matrix
NcDataClusterNCount — Cluster number count data.
NcDataClusterPseudoCounts — Galaxy clusters data -- pseudo number counts likelihood.
NcDataClusterWL — Cluster weak lensing likelihood.
NcDataReducedShearClusterMass — Galaxy clusters data -- pseudo number counts likelihood.
NcDataPlanckLKL — Planck Likelihood interface.
NcDataXcor — cross-correlation data object.
ABC analysis
NcABCClusterNCount — Object implementing Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) for cluster number counts.
Mathematical Utilities
NcmBinSplit — Binnary splitting algorithms used to evaluate sums fast and with arbitrary precision.
NcmFunctionCache — A generic cache for functions values
NcmMemoryPool — Generic memory pool.
NcmIntegral — Numerical integration helpers.
Enumeration Types
NcmEnumTypes — Automaticaly generated enum types from NumCosmoMath library.
NcEnumTypes — Automaticaly generated enum types from NumCosmo library.
Objects Hierarchy
API Index
API Index Deprecated
Annotation Glossary