Likelihood ratio test vs. Fisher matrix

Likelihood ratio test vs. Fisher matrix


Example written in Python to compare the results from Likelihood ratio test (profile likelihood) and Fisher matrix methods. For this, we obtain constraints (68.27% contour) on the cold dark matter density $\Omega_c$ and the dark energy equation of state $w$ parameters, where $w =$ constant, using type Ia supernova (SNeIa) and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) data.


To try this example you must have PyGObject installed, and numcosmo built with –enable-introspection option. To run the examples without installing follow the instructions here.


  import gi
  gi.require_version('NumCosmo', '1.0')
  gi.require_version('NumCosmoMath', '1.0')

from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import NumCosmo as Nc
from gi.repository import NumCosmoMath as Ncm

#  Initializing the library objects, this must be called before 
#  any other library function.
Ncm.cfg_init ()

#  New homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model NcHICosmoDEXcdm 
cosmo = Nc.HICosmo.new_from_name (Nc.HICosmo, "NcHICosmoDEXcdm")

#  Setting values for the cosmological model, those not set stay in the
#  default values. Remeber to use the _orig_ version to set the original
#  parameters in case when a reparametrization is used.

# OO-like
cosmo.props.H0      = 70.0
cosmo.props.Omegab  = 0.05
cosmo.props.Omegac  = 0.25
cosmo.props.Omegax  = 0.70
cosmo.props.Tgamma0 = 2.72
cosmo.props.w       = -1.0

#  A new Modelset with cosmo as the HICosmo model to be used.
mset = Ncm.MSet ()
mset.set (cosmo)

#  Setting parameters Omega_c, Omega_x and w to be fitted (and change 
#  parameter Omega_x -> Omega_k).
#cosmo.de_omega_x2omega_k ()
cosmo.props.Omegac_fit = True
cosmo.props.Omegax_fit = True
cosmo.props.w_fit = True

#  A new Distance object optimized to redshift 2.5.
dist = Nc.Distance (zf = 2.5)

#  A new Data object from distance modulus catalogs. Type Ia supernovae (snia).
#  A new Data object from BAO catalogs.
snia = Nc.DataDistMu.new_from_id (dist, Nc.DataSNIAId.SIMPLE_UNION2_1)
bao1 = Nc.data_bao_create (dist, Nc.DataBaoId.RDV_BEUTLER2011)
bao2 = Nc.data_bao_create (dist, Nc.DataBaoId.EMPIRICAL_FIT_ROSS2015)
bao3 = Nc.data_bao_create (dist, Nc.DataBaoId.RDV_BOSS_QSO_ATA2017)

#  A new Dataset with snia and bao set.
dset = Ncm.Dataset ()
dset.append_data (snia)
dset.append_data (bao1)
dset.append_data (bao2)
dset.append_data (bao3)

#  Creating a Likelihood from the Dataset.
lh = Ncm.Likelihood (dataset = dset)

#  Creating a Fit object of type NLOPT using the fitting algorithm ln-neldermead to
#  fit the Modelset mset using the Likelihood lh and using a numerical differentiation
#  algorithm (NUMDIFF_FORWARD) to obtain the gradient (if needed).
fit = (Ncm.FitType.NLOPT, "ln-neldermead", lh, mset, Ncm.FitGradType.NUMDIFF_FORWARD)

#  Running the fitter printing messages.
# (Ncm.FitRunMsgs.SIMPLE)

#  Printing fitting informations.
fit.log_info ()

#  Calculating the parameters covariance using numerical differentiation.
fit.numdiff_m2lnL_covar ()

#  Printing the covariance matrix.
fit.log_covar ()

#  Creating a new Likelihood ratio test object.
#  First we create two PIndex indicating which parameter
#    we are going to study.
p1 = ( (), Nc.HICosmoDEParams.OMEGA_C)
p2 = ( (), Nc.HICosmoDEXCDMParams.W)

lhr2d = (fit, p1, p2, 1.0e-3)

#  Calculating the confidence region using the Likelihood ratio test.
#  Also calculate using the Fisher matrix approach.
cr_rg = lhr2d.conf_region (0.6827, 300.0, Ncm.FitRunMsgs.SIMPLE)
fisher_rg = lhr2d.fisher_border (0.6827, 300.0, Ncm.FitRunMsgs.SIMPLE)

cr_p1array = cr_rg.p1.dup_array ()
cr_p2array = cr_rg.p2.dup_array ()

fisher_p1array = fisher_rg.p1.dup_array ()
fisher_p2array = fisher_rg.p2.dup_array ()

#  Ploting the confidence regions obtained from both methods.

plt.title ("Confidence regions (%.2f)" % (cr_rg.clevel * 100.0))
plt.plot (cr_p1array, cr_p2array, 'r', label="Likelihood Ratio")
plt.plot (fisher_p1array, fisher_p2array, 'b-', label="Fisher Matrix")



plt.savefig ("snia_bao_rg_omegac_w.svg")

Figure: $(\Omega_c, w)$ contours


Figure 1: Cold dark matter density, $\Omega_c$, and dark energy equation of state, $w$, parameter contours (68.27%) obtained using the likelihood ratio test (red line) and Fisher matrix (blue line) methods.

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