Matter Power Spectrum

Matter Power Spectrum


Example written in Python to compute: (i) the linear matter power spectrum (PS) using the Eisenstein-Hu fitting transfer function and the Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System (CLASS), (ii) the variance of the matter density contrast and its derivative with respect to $R$ using both linear PS, and (iii) the nonlinear matter PS using HALOFIT.


To try this example you must have PyGObject installed, and numcosmo built with –enable-introspection option. To run the examples without installing follow the instructions here.


  import gi
  gi.require_version('NumCosmo', '1.0')
  gi.require_version('NumCosmoMath', '1.0')

import sys
import time
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import NumCosmo as Nc
from gi.repository import NumCosmoMath as Ncm

matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 11})

#  Initializing the library objects, this must be called before 
#  any other library function.
Ncm.cfg_init ()

#  New homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model NcHICosmoDEXcdm 
cosmo = Nc.HICosmo.new_from_name (Nc.HICosmo, "NcHICosmoDEXcdm{'massnu-length':<1>}")
cosmo.omega_x2omega_k ()
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("Omegak",    0.0)
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("w",        -1.0)
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("Omegab",    0.04909244421)
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("Omegac",    0.26580755578)
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("massnu_0",  0.06)
cosmo.param_set_by_name ("ENnu",      2.0328)

reion = ()
prim  = ()

cosmo.param_set_by_name ("H0", 67.31)

prim.param_set_by_name ("n_SA", 0.9658)
prim.param_set_by_name ("ln10e10ASA", 3.0904)

reion.param_set_by_name ("z_re", 9.9999)

cosmo.add_submodel (reion)
cosmo.add_submodel (prim)

#  Printing the parameters used.
print "# Model parameters: ", 
cosmo.params_log_all ()
print "# Omega_X0: % 22.15g" % (cosmo.E2Omega_de (0.0))

ps_cbe  = ()
ps_eh   = ( ())

# Redshift bounds
z_min = 0.0
z_max = 2.0
zdiv  = 0.49999999999

# Mode bounds
k_min = 1.0e-5
k_max = 1.0e3

nk = 2000
nR = 2000
Rh8 = 8.0 / cosmo.h ()

ps_cbe.set_kmin (k_min)
ps_eh.set_kmin (k_min)

ps_cbe.set_kmax (k_max)
ps_eh.set_kmax (k_max)

ps_cbe.require_zi (z_min)
ps_cbe.require_zf (z_max)

ps_eh.require_zi (z_min)
ps_eh.require_zf (z_max)

ps_eh.prepare (cosmo)
ps_cbe.prepare (cosmo)

for z in np.arange (z_min, z_max, (z_max - z_min) * zdiv):
  k_a = []
  Pk_eh_a = []
  Pk_cbe_a = []
  for lnk in np.arange (math.log (ps_cbe.props.kmin), math.log (ps_cbe.props.kmax), math.log (k_max / k_min) / nk):
    k = math.exp (lnk)
    k2 = k * k
    k3 = k2 * k
    k_a.append (k)
    Pk_cbe_a.append (k3 * ps_cbe.eval (cosmo, z, k))
    Pk_eh_a.append (k3 * ps_eh.eval (cosmo, z, k))
  plt.plot (k_a, Pk_cbe_a, label = r'CLASS $z = %.2f$' % (z))
  plt.plot (k_a, Pk_eh_a, label  = r'EH    $z = %.2f$' % (z))

plt.xlabel ('$k \; [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')
plt.ylabel ('$k^3P(k, z)$')
plt.legend (loc="lower right")
plt.xscale ('log')
plt.yscale ('log')
plt.title ('Linear Matter Power Spectrum')  
plt.savefig ("ps_cbe_eh.svg")
plt.clf ()

for z in np.arange (z_min, z_max, (z_max - z_min) * zdiv * 0.5):
  k_a = []
  Pk_eh_a = []
  Pk_cbe_a = []
  for lnk in np.arange (math.log (ps_cbe.props.kmin), math.log (ps_cbe.props.kmax), math.log (k_max / k_min) / nk):
    k = math.exp (lnk)
    k2 = k * k
    k3 = k2 * k
    k_a.append (k)
    Pk_cbe_a.append (k3 * ps_cbe.eval (cosmo, z, k))
    Pk_eh_a.append (k3 * ps_eh.eval (cosmo, z, k))
  plt.plot (k_a, np.abs (1.0 - np.array (Pk_eh_a) / np.array (Pk_cbe_a)), label = r'$z = %.2f$' % (z))

plt.xlabel ('$k \; [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')
plt.ylabel ('$1 - P_{EH}(k, z)/P_{CLASS}(k, z)$')
plt.legend (loc="lower right")
plt.xscale ('log')
plt.yscale ('log')
plt.title ('Relative difference between the EH and CLASS PS')
plt.savefig ("ps_diff_cbe_eh.svg")
plt.clf ()

# Filtering 
psf_cbe = (ps_cbe, Ncm.PowspecFilterType.TOPHAT)
psf_eh  = (ps_eh, Ncm.PowspecFilterType.TOPHAT)

psf_cbe.set_best_lnr0 ()
psf_eh.set_best_lnr0 ()

psf_cbe.prepare (cosmo)
psf_eh.prepare (cosmo)

print "# CBE sigma8 = % 20.15g, EH sigma8 = % 20.15g" % (psf_cbe.eval_sigma (0.0, Rh8), psf_eh.eval_sigma (0.0, Rh8))
print "# kmin % 20.15g kmax % 20.15g" % (ps_cbe.props.kmin, ps_cbe.props.kmax)
print "# Rmin % 20.15g Rmax % 20.15g" % (psf_cbe.get_r_min (), psf_cbe.get_r_max ())

lnRmin = math.log (psf_cbe.get_r_min ())
lnRmax = math.log (psf_cbe.get_r_max ())

# Variance of the matter density contrast
for z in np.arange (z_min, z_max, (z_max - z_min) * zdiv):
  Rh_a = []
  sigma_eh_a  = []
  sigma_cbe_a = []
  for lnR in np.arange (lnRmin, lnRmax, (lnRmax - lnRmin) / nR):
    R  = math.exp (lnR)
    Rh = R * cosmo.h ()
    Rh_a.append (Rh)
    sigma_cbe_a.append (psf_cbe.eval_sigma_lnr (z, lnR))
    sigma_eh_a.append (psf_eh.eval_sigma_lnr (z, lnR))

  plt.plot (Rh_a, sigma_cbe_a, label = r'CLASS $z = %.2f$' % (z))
  plt.plot (Rh_a, sigma_eh_a, label = r'EH $z = %.2f$' % (z))

plt.xlabel ('$R \; [h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}]$')
plt.ylabel ('$\sigma_M (R, z)$')
plt.legend (loc="lower left")
plt.title ('Variance of the matter density contrast')
plt.savefig ("ps_var_cbe_eh.svg")
plt.clf ()

# Derivative of the variance of the matter density contrast with respect to the scale R
for z in np.arange (z_min, z_max, (z_max - z_min) * zdiv):
  Rh_a = []
  dvar_eh_a   = []
  dvar_cbe_a  = []
  for lnR in np.arange (lnRmin, lnRmax, (lnRmax - lnRmin) / nR):
    R  = math.exp (lnR)
    Rh = R * cosmo.h ()
    Rh_a.append (Rh)
    dvar_cbe_a.append (psf_cbe.eval_dlnvar_dlnr (z, lnR))
    dvar_eh_a.append (psf_eh.eval_dlnvar_dlnr (z, lnR))

  plt.plot (Rh_a, dvar_cbe_a, label  = r'CLASS $z = %.2f$' % (z))
  plt.plot (Rh_a, dvar_eh_a, label   = r'EH    $z = %.2f$' % (z))

plt.xlabel (r'$R \; [h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}]$')
plt.ylabel (r'$\frac{\mathrm{d}\ln\sigma^2_M(R,z)}{\mathrm{d}\ln{}R}$')
plt.title ("Derivative of the matter density contrast")
plt.legend (loc="lower left")
plt.savefig ("ps_dvar_cbe_eh.svg")
plt.clf ()

# Non-linear matter power spectrum: HALOFIT

zmaxnl = 10.0
z_max  = zmaxnl
pshf   = (ps_cbe, zmaxnl, 1.0e-5)

pshf.set_kmin (k_min)
pshf.set_kmax (k_max)
pshf.require_zi (z_min)
pshf.require_zf (z_max)

pshf.prepare (cosmo)

for z in np.arange (z_min, z_max, (z_max - z_min) * zdiv):
  k_a = []
  Pk_cbe_a = []
  Pknl_cbe_a = []
  for lnk in np.arange (math.log (ps_cbe.props.kmin), math.log (ps_cbe.props.kmax), math.log (k_max / k_min) / nk):
    k = math.exp (lnk)
    k2 = k * k
    k3 = k2 * k
    k_a.append (k)
    Pk_cbe_a.append (k3 * ps_cbe.eval (cosmo, z, k))
    Pknl_cbe_a.append (k3 * pshf.eval (cosmo, z, k))
  plt.plot (k_a, Pk_cbe_a, label = r'CLASS $z = %.2f$' % (z))
  plt.plot (k_a, Pknl_cbe_a, label  = r'CLASS+HaloFit $z = %.2f$' % (z))

plt.xlabel (r'$k \; [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')
plt.ylabel (r'$k^3 P(k, z)$')
plt.title ("Linear and nonlinear matter power spectrum")
plt.legend (loc="lower right")
plt.savefig ("ps_cbe_halofit.svg")
plt.clf ()

psf_cbenl = (pshf, Ncm.PowspecFilterType.TOPHAT)
psf_cbenl.set_best_lnr0 ()
psf_cbenl.prepare (cosmo)

print "# CBE+HaloFit sigma8 = % 20.15g" % (psf_cbenl.eval_sigma (0.0, Rh8))

Figure 1: Linear matter PS


Figure 1: Linear matter power spcetrum $P(k,z)$ computed using the Eisenstein-Hu (EH) transfer function and the Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System (CLASS) at three different redshifts, $z = 0, 1, 2$.

Figure 2: PS diff


Figure 2: Relative difference between the EH, $P_{EH}(k, z)$, and CLASS, $P_{CLASS}(k,z)$, power spectra computed at $z = 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0$.

Figure 3: $\sigma_M(R,z)$


Figure 3: Variance of the matter density contrast computed using EH transfer function and CLASS power spectrum at $z = 0,1,2$.

Figure 4: $\sigma_M(R,z)$ derivative


Figure 4: Derivative of the matter density contrast variance with respect to the scale $R$ computed using EH transfer function and CLASS at $z = 0,1,2$.

Figure 5: Nonlinear PS


Figure 5: Linear (CLASS) and nonlinear (CLASS + HALOFIT) matter power spcetra computed at $z = 0, 5, 10$.

Example Directory