Halo Mass Function

Halo mass function and halo number per redshift


Example written in Python to compute the growth and transfer functions, the linear matter power spectrum, the variance of the matter density contrast, the halo mass function and the number of halos as a function of the redshift.


To try this example you must have PyGObject installed, and numcosmo built with –enable-introspection option. To run the examples without installing follow the instructions here.



  import gi
  gi.require_version('NumCosmo', '1.0')
  gi.require_version('NumCosmoMath', '1.0')

import numpy
import math 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import NumCosmo as Nc
from gi.repository import NumCosmoMath as Ncm

#  Initializing the library objects, this must be called before 
#  any other library function.
Ncm.cfg_init ()

#  New homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model NcHICosmoDEXcdm 
cosmo = Nc.HICosmo.new_from_name (Nc.HICosmo, "NcHICosmoDEXcdm")

#  New homogeneous and isotropic reionization object.
reion = Nc.HIReionCamb.new () 

#  New homogeneous and isotropic primordial object.
prim = Nc.HIPrimPowerLaw.new () 

# Adding submodels to the main cosmological model.
cosmo.add_submodel (reion)
cosmo.add_submodel (prim)

#  New cosmological distance objects optimizied to perform calculations
#  up to redshift 2.0.
dist = Nc.Distance.new (2.0)

# New transfer function 'NcTransferFuncEH' using the Einsenstein, Hu
# fitting formula.
tf = Nc.TransferFunc.new_from_name ("NcTransferFuncEH")

# New linear matter power spectrum object based of the EH transfer function.
psml = Nc.PowspecMLTransfer.new (tf)
psml.require_kmin (1.0e-3)
psml.require_kmax (1.0e3)

# Apply a tophat filter to the psml object, set best output interval.
psf = Ncm.PowspecFilter.new (psml, Ncm.PowspecFilterType.TOPHAT)
psf.set_best_lnr0 ()

# New multiplicity function 'NcMultiplicityFuncTinkerMean'
mulf = Nc.MultiplicityFunc.new_from_name ("NcMultiplicityFuncTinkerMean")

# New mass function object using the objects defined above.
mf = Nc.HaloMassFunction.new (dist, psf, mulf)

#  Setting values for the cosmological model, those not set stay in the
#  default values. Remember to use the _orig_ version to set the original
#  parameters when a reparametrization is used.
cosmo.props.H0      = 70.0
cosmo.props.Omegab  = 0.05
cosmo.props.Omegac  = 0.25
cosmo.props.Omegax  = 0.70
cosmo.props.Tgamma0 = 2.72
cosmo.props.w       = -1.0

#  Printing the parameters used.
print "# Model parameters: ", 
cosmo.params_log_all ()

# Number of points to build the plots
np = 2000
divfac = 1.0 / (np - 1.0)

#  Calculating growth and its derivative in the [0, 2] redshift
#  range.
za = []
Da = []
dDa = []

gf = psml.peek_gf ()
gf.prepare (cosmo)

for i in range (0, np):
  z = 2.0 * divfac * i
  D = gf.eval (cosmo, z)
  dD = gf.eval_deriv (cosmo, z)
  za.append (z)
  Da.append (D)
  dDa.append (dD)
  print z, D

#  Ploting growth function.

plt.title ("Growth Function")
plt.plot (za, Da, 'r', label="D(z)")
plt.plot (za, dDa, 'b--', label="dD/dz")
#plt.yscale ('log')

plt.savefig ("hmf_growth_func.svg")
plt.clf ()

# Calculating the transfer function and the matter power spectrum in the
# kh (in unities of h/Mpc) interval [1e-3, 1e3]

ka = []
Ta = []
Pma = []

psml.prepare (cosmo)

for i in range (0, np):
  lnk = math.log (1e-3) +  math.log (1e6) * divfac * i
  k   = math.exp (lnk)
  T   = tf.eval (cosmo, k)
  Pm  = psml.eval (cosmo, 0.0, k)
  ka.append (k)
  Ta.append (T)
  Pma.append (Pm)

#  Ploting transfer and matter power spectrum

plt.title ("Transfer Function and Linear Matter Power Spectrum")
plt.plot (ka, Ta, 'r', label="$T(k)$")
plt.plot (ka, Pma, 'b--', label="$P_m(k)$")
plt.xlabel('$k \; [\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}]$')

plt.savefig ("hmf_transfer_func.svg")
plt.clf ()

# Calculating the variance filtered with the tophat windown function using
# scales R in the interval [5, 50] at redshift 0.3.
# First calculates the growth function at z = 0.3 and then the spectrum
# amplitude from the sigma8 parameter.
psf.prepare (cosmo)

Ra = []
sigma2a = []
dlnsigma2a = []

for i in range (0, np):
  lnR       = math.log (5.0) +  math.log (10.0) * divfac * i
  R         = math.exp (lnR)
  sigma2    = psf.eval_var_lnr (0.0, lnR)
  dlnsigma2 = psf.eval_dlnvar_dlnr (0.0, lnR) 
  Ra.append (R)
  sigma2a.append (sigma2)
  dlnsigma2a.append (dlnsigma2)

#  Ploting filtered matter variance
plt.title ("Variance and its derivative")
plt.plot (Ra, sigma2a, 'r', label='$\sigma^2(\ln(R))$')
plt.plot (Ra, dlnsigma2a, 'b--', label='$d\ln(\sigma^2)/d\ln(R)$')
plt.xlabel('$R \; [\mathrm{Mpc}]$')

plt.savefig ("hmf_matter_variance.svg")
plt.clf ()

# Calculating the halo mass function at z = 0.7, and integrated in the mass interval [1e14, 1e16]
# for the redhshifts in the interval [0, 2.0] and area 200 squared degrees.

mf.set_area_sd (200.0)
mf.set_eval_limits (cosmo, math.log (1e14), math.log(1e16), 0.0, 2.0)
mf.prepare (cosmo)

lnMa = []
dn_dlnMdza = []
dndza = []

for i in range (0, np):
  lnM = math.log (1e14) + math.log (1e2) * divfac * i
  dn_dlnMdz = mf.dn_dlnM (cosmo, lnM, 0.7)
  dndz = mf.dn_dz (cosmo, math.log (1.0e14), math.log (1.0e16), za[i], True)
  lnMa.append (lnM)
  dn_dlnMdza.append (dn_dlnMdz)
  dndza.append (dndz)

#  Ploting the mass function

plt.title ("Halo Mass Function")
plt.plot (lnMa, dn_dlnMdza, 'b', label='$z = 0.7$')
plt.xlabel('$\ln M \; [\mathrm{M}_\odot]$')
plt.ylabel('${\mathrm{d}^2n}/{\mathrm{d}z \mathrm{d}\ln M}$')

plt.savefig ("hmf_mass_function.svg")
plt.clf ()

#  Ploting the mass function

plt.title ("Number of halos per redshift")
plt.plot (za, dndza, 'b', label='$M \in [10^{14}, 10^{16}], \; A = 200 \; [\mathrm{deg}^2]$')

plt.savefig ("hmf_halos_redshift.svg")
plt.clf ()

Figure 1: Growth Function


Figure 1: Growth function and its derivative with respect to the redshift.

Figure 2: Transfer Function and PS


Figure 2: Transfer function and the linear matter power spectrum.

Figure 3: Variance of the matter density contrast


Figure 3: Variance of the matter density contrast and its derivative with respect to the scale R.

Figure 4: Halo Mass Function


Figure 4: Halo mass function computed at $z = 0.7$.

Figure 5: Number of halos per z


Figure 5: Number of halos with masses between $10^{14}$ to $10^{16}$ solar masses as a function of redshift, computed considering an angular area of 200 square degrees.

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